Our History

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​“For our people, every diamond purchase represents food on the table; better living conditions; better healthcare; potable and safe drinking water; more roads to connect our remote communities; and much more.”Festus Mogae, President of ​Botswana, 7 June 2006 

Debswana is the largest private sector employer in Botswana, with over 5000 employees. These are mainly found on mining sites, along with just over 5000 fixed-term contractors and a small staff compliment at the Debswana Corporate Centre in Gaborone, Botswana’s capital. 

These four mines have contributed significantly to the economic growth of Botswana, as well as producing revenues responsible for lifting the country from one of Africas least developed to an international development success story. Botswana is now a middle-income country independent in means as well as name. Diamond mining operations are located at Orapa, Letlhakane, Damtshaa (OLDM) and Jwaneng. 




In April 1967

The search for diamonds and discovery of Orapa Mine

The search of diamonds in Botswana began in the Tuli Block in 1955. Three small alluvial diamonds were found along the Motloutse river. In 1967, between the village of Letlhakane and Mopipi Pan, a team of De Beers Geologists found abundant quantities of ilmenite and garnet – the two chief indicators of diamondiferous kimberlite. In April 1967, the pipe at Orapa was found. This was to be the largest (117 hectares) of all the kimberlite pipes which were eventually located in this area.

Because of the size of the pipe and the variable grade, sampling and evaluation took two years. But the results were exciting. The Orapa pipe showed considerable potential and the development of the mine was affirmed by the shareholders. Meanwhile, in 1968, two smaller pipes were discovered some 40 kilometres south-east of Orapa, near Letlhakane village. 

On June 23rd 1968, the De Beers Botswana Mining Company was formed. 

“The diamond mines were a Godsend, and rapidly transformed the economy, increasing the revenue of the country from less that P10 million a year at Independence to over a billion today,”– Honourable Minister of Mineral Resources and Water Affairs, A. M. Mogwe, 1990 

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1969 - 1972

Jwaneng Mine

The Birth of Debswana

In 1969 De Beers geologists began prospecting in the southern district of Botswana. The rock formations in the southern district are generally covered by a layer of sand 20 – 50 metres thick. Prospecting operations using systematic solid sampling techniques covered the area. The pipe that was to become Jwaneng Mine was eventually found in 1972 beneath a 40-metre layer of sand and calcrete in the Naledi River Valley (‘Valley of Stars’). 

The town of Jwaneng is located on the perimeter of the Kgalagadi Desert, 125 km west of Lobatse, 80 km west of Bangwaketse village, Kanye, and 160 km south west of the Botswana Capital City Gaborone (using Thamaga-Moshupa road). Before the construction of the Jwaneng – Kanye tarred road by Debswana, the area was only accessible by 4-wheel drive and high clearance vehicles. 

Around the same time in 1971, Orapa Mine was officially commissioned. Four years later in 1975, Letlhakane Mine was commissioned. 

An occasion to mark the signing of the agreement to establish Debswana, a partnership between the people of Botswana and De Beers. Present were among others: H.F Oppenheimer, former Executive Chairman of De Beers Group, Sir Seretse Khama, former President of Botswana, Sir Q.K.J Masire, former Vice President of Botswana and former Minister J.G Haskins. 

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1972 – 1982

Jwaneng, Botswana

The Birth of Jwaneng Mine

In May 1978 De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd and the Government of Botswana signed an agreement to establish Jwaneng Mine. Debswana is a company in which the Botswana Government and the De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd each hold a 50% share. Construction of the mine and the township commenced rapidly, the former coming into full production in July 1982. The Mine was officially opened by the then President of Botswana, His Excellency Sir Ketumile Masire in August 1982. 


The town of Jwaneng is located on the perimeter of the Kgalagadi Desert, 125 km west of Lobatse, 80 km west of Bangwaketse village, Kanye, and 160 km south west of the Botswana Capital City Gaborone (using Thamaga-Moshupa road). Before the construction of the Jwaneng – Kanye tarred road by Debswana, the area was only accessible by 4-wheel drive and high clearance vehicles. 

Around the same time in 1971, Orapa Mine was officially commissioned. Four years later in 1975, Letlhakane Mine was commissioned. 

An occasion to mark the signing of the agreement to establish Debswana, a partnership between the people of Botswana and De Beers. Present were among others: H.F Oppenheimer, former Executive Chairman of De Beers Group, Sir Seretse Khama, former President of Botswana, Sir Q.K.J Masire, former Vice President of Botswana and former Minister J.G Haskins. 

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Jwaneng Mine

Shareholders Agree To Double Production

In August 1996, representatives of Botswana Government, De Beers Centenary AG and Debswana Diamond Company signed an agreement to double production at the Orapa Mine. The expansion increased Orapa Mine’s annual production of 6 million carats to 12 million carats from the No. 1 and No. 2 plants from the year 2000 and raised Debswana’s total production to about 26 million carats per year. Besides the Orapa 2000 project, the Aquarium Project, undertaken at Jwaneng Mine improved profitability. It comprises of a completely automated recovery plant and the fully integrated sort house. This project brought to an end the hand sorting of diamonds. High tech x-ray scanners used at this facility ensured quick and accurate diamond recovery and maximised profit. 

Orapa No 2 plant was initiated after an agreement singed between the Botswana Government and De Beers Centenary AG to double production at Orapa Mine. 

Besides the Orapa 2000 project, the Aquarium project, undertaken at Jwaneng, is the most crucial to improved productivity.

1997 – 2000 

24-hour mining operations commence at Debswana Mines. Commissioning of Jwaneng Mine’s Aquarium as the world’s 1st fully automated recovery plant happens in the year 2000. 

Morupule Coal Mine becomes a 100% subsidiary in the same year. 

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May 2001

Jwaneng Mine

Debswana First In Administering ARV’S To Employees

In May 2001, Debswana became the first company in the world to provide free Anti-Retroviral treatment to its employees. The 100% subsidy covers employees living with HIV/AIDS and their one legally married spouse. Recently, (June 2006) employees’ children up to the age of 21 who are infected with HIV receive treatment through the Mine Hospitals in Orapa and Jwaneng. Those prefer to utilize non-Company facilities, have the option to consult some of the nominated private practitioners outside the Mines. 


To Debswana, HIV/AIDS is an integral part of the business strategy. Its response to HIV/AIDS is among the highest corporate priorities. 

The Company’s commitment to the fight against HIV and AIDS is captured in its philosophy to minimize the impact of HIV/AIDS on employees, their families and the Company through prevention of new infections, care and support of those infected with HIV and containment of costs. 

The success of the Debswana HIV/AIDS initiatives is reflected in the enormous increase in the number of registrations for the Company’s HIV/AIDS programme. The number of registrations almost doubled in 2005 when compared to 2004. In total, 616 patients

were registered with the Disease Management Programme as at the end of 2005, representing an increase of over 233 over registration figures for 2004. 



Damtshaa Mine starts operating. 


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Gaborone, Botswana

Botswana Government, De Beers Sign A Historic Agreement

A landmark agreement between the international mining giant De Beers and the diamond producing giant Botswana will see the two long-time partners embarking on a watershed initiative that can potentially transform the economic profile this land-locked Southern African country. 

At the official signing ceremony held last May at the Gaborone International Convention Centre, and in the presence of Botswana President HE Festus Mogae, Botswana’s Minister of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, the Honourable Charles Tibone, ebulliently declared: “The significance of these agreements cannot be over-stated. We must make the case that Botswana has now come of age.” 


The signing covered a suite of agreements between De Beers and the Government of Botswana. They include the renewal of the mining license for the Jwaneng Mine, the most valuable diamond mine in the world, to 2029. The extension of mining licenses for the country’s other mines which were also discovered by De Beers will run concurrently. These mines are Orapa, Letlhakane, and Damtshaa. The extension of Debswana sales agreement for 5 years to the Diamond Trading Company (DTC) for another 5 years. The DTC is the international sales and marketing arm of De Beers. 

The Botswana Government and De Beers conclude negotiations to establish Diamond Trading Company Botswana, a company which will sort, value, sell and market diamonds in Botswana and to extend all mining leases for 25 years. 

2010 – 2014 

2010 – 16 December marked the day Jwaneng mine’s Cut 8 Project was officially launched by President Ian Khama Seretse Khama. 

2011 – On the 16th of September, government signed a new 10-year sales agreement with De Beers, back-dated to January. De Beers agrees to migrate DTCI from London to Gaborone by the end of 2013. Government gets access to sell 10% of Debswana’s production independently. 

DTCB sight holders increased from 16 to 21. 

2012 – The formation of Botswana’s first state diamond trading company, the Okavango Diamond Trading Company, commencing with 10% of Debswana’s total annual production, progressing to 15% over a five year period. 

The De Beers Global Sightholder Sales is formed to aggregate global De Beers diamond production in Botswana for the first time. 

2013 – 11 November De Beers hold its first sight outside London 

2014 – Debswana celebrates 45 years of existence 

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September 2016

Gaborone, Botswana

Botswana celebrates 50 years of Independence.

2018 – Letlhakane Tailings Treatment Plant goes into full production 

2019 – The Discovery of the 41.11 carats Okavango Blue Diamond at Orapa mine 

2019 – Debswana celebrates 50 years in existence 

2019 – Launch of the Jwaneng Cut 9 project 

2020 – Debswana launches the P65 million Wastewater Project at Jwaneng 

2021 – Debswana discovers the largest gem quality diamond in its history, a 1098 carat diamond from its Jwaneng Mine. 


Gaborone, Botswana

Board Approves Jwaneng Underground Project (JUP)

2023 – Board approves JUP 


Mining Diamonds, Enriching the nation.

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